Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis meeting Back

June 10th — June 14th 2024
at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Registration/abstract submission has closed.
Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis meeting
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Runaway electron generation in plasmas is a phenomenon that is rich in basic physics and has also great practical importance. It is a candidate mechanism for electron acceleration in solar flares, it is frequently observed in electric discharges associated with thunderstorms, and it occurs also in tokamak disruptions, when the plasma current is forced to change too quickly and a large electric field is induced. In tokamaks, runaways may damage plasma facing components due to their highly localized energy deposition. The potential for detrimental effects increases with plasma current. Therefore, understanding the processes that may eliminate runaway beam formation is very important for future reactor-scale tokamaks with high currents, such as ITER. The aim of the meeting is to make progress in the modelling of runaway electron dynamics, with a particular focus to runaways in tokamak disruptions, as well as on the analysis of JET SPI experiments. This meeting is open to **all interested researchers**. **The meeting takes place at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne**. [**A map of the campus with locations of interest to workshop participants indicated can be found here**]( *(If you have questions about the online registrations, or issues registering, don't hesitate to contact Mathias Hoppe (contact details below))* *The Journal of Plasma Physics sponsors the best student talks at this workshop! The competition is judged by the meeting participants via an anonymous poll at the end of the meeting.* ![Journal of Plasma Physics]( [![EPFL campus map](]( ![Participants to the 2024 Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis meeting](


Workshop dinner

Workshop dinner

Wednesday 12th 18:00

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Organizing team
Joan Decker
Umar Sheikh
Mathias Hoppe
Eric Nardon
Everybody is asked to book their hotel rooms individually. There are several options in and around Lausanne. EPFL is located at the western edge of the city and has a direct public transport connection with the city center. Some hotel recommendations: - [Hotel Voyageurs]( - [Swiss Wine Hotel]( - [SwissTech Hotel]( - [Starling Hotel]( - [Hôtel Regina]( - [Hotel Crystal]( - [Ibis Lausanne Centre](
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