Welcome to the website of the plasma theory research group at Chalmers University of Technology. We belong to the Division of Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics of the Department of Physics.
Tünde will go to Stockholm between September 24th — 25th. She has been invited to give the [Alfvén lecture](https://www.kth.se/en/sci/centra/rymdcenter/kalender/seminarier/alfvenforelasning-1.1340943) at KTH. The lecture will take place 15:30-16:30 in lecture hall E3 on 24 September and the title is "Faster than lightning: electron beams in laboratory plasmas". The next day she will take part in meeting with the physics class of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Lise Meitner symposium We will organize the 2024 Lise Meitner Symposium with the title [Understanding complexity: network science and statistical physics](https://www.chalmers.se/en/current/calendar/gpc-symposium-lise-meitner-award-2024/) on 27 September, in the PJ seminar room.
Tünde will go to Oxford between September 30th — December 21st. She has been elected to a [Visiting Research Fellowship](https://www.merton.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-tunde-fulop) at Merton College for the Michaelmas Full Term.
István will go to Atlanta between October 7th — 11th. He will participate in the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics meeting and will give a presentation with the title: "Data-driven discovery of heat-flux closures for collisionless electrostatic plasma phenomena". Members of our group are co-authors on the invited talk by our former Jubilee Professor, Caterina Riconda: "Tailoring high amplitude plasma waves via autoresonant beat-wave excitation", and of the presentations "Simulation of discharge initiation with runaway electrons in DIII-D" and "Overview of shattered pellet injection studies at ASDEX Upgrade".
Ida will go to Oxford University between October 30th — November 6th. She will give a seminar with the title "Fluid and kinetic modeling of runaway electron seed generation during disruptions".
Occam lecture, 5 November Tünde will give an [Occam lecture](http://merton.physics.ox.ac.uk/occam_lecture.html) with the title "Create and control beams in plasmas" at Merton College, Oxford.
Tünde will go to Budapest between November 7th — 9th. She will give a lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Tünde will go to Rome between November 13th — 16th. She will participate in a visit of Italian research institutes together with the physics class of KVA.
Department of Physics
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Email: tunde at chalmers.se
Phone: +46 31 772380
Find us: The group's offices are on the top (3rd) floor of the Soliden part of the Physics building. The address is Fysikgården 1. This map shows various routes to find the place.