List of participants to Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis meeting

Name Affiliation Remote participation Is presenting?
Aaro Järvinen VTT No Update on developing efficient Bayesian inference methods for runaway electron model validation
Abigail Feyrer MIT PSFC No Scoping and modeling of runaway electron impacts in SPARC
Akinobu Matsuyama Kyoto University Yes No
Alex Tinguely MIT PSFC No An update on runaway electron mitigation and diagnosis in SPARC
Alexander Battey Columbia University No Status of Collisionless Runaway Electron Mitigation Experiments
Alexandre Fil CEA Yes No
Alysée Khan EPFL No No
Andres Orduna Martinez Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics No Considerations for the installation of MANTIS in AUG
Ansh Patel Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics No Modelling of shattered pellet injection experiments on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
Antti Hakola VTT No No
Benedikt Zimmermann Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Yes No
Benjamin Stein-Lubrano MIT PSFC Yes No
Carlos Paz-Soldan Columbia University No Pellet Ablation and Passive Coils: On-Campus Disruption Mitigation Research at Columbia
Discussion about passive mitigation and runaway electron impact
Chang Liu Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Yes No
Chizhou Wang EPFL No No
Chris McDevitt University of Florida No The development of surrogate models for runaway electron generation using physics-informed neural networks
Christopher Ham UKAEA Yes No
Cristian Sommariva École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Swiss Plasma Center No No
Cédric Reux CEA IRFM No Limits and physics of the runaway electron benign termination scenario
Daniele Bonfiglio Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy Yes No
Di Hu Beihang University Yes Theory for runaway electron dominated equilibria: status and the way forward
Domagoj Kos UKAEA Yes No
Elisee Trier UKAEA Yes No
Emmanuel JOFFRIN CEA Cadarache No No
Enrico Emanuelli Politecnico di Torino No Towards the simulation of RE beam termination in DTT
Eric Nardon CEA No Towards validating the runaway electron avalanche model in JOREK
TSVV-09 discussion
Eva Tomesova IPP Prague Yes No
Ewout Devlaminck EPFL No Exploration of the Ohmic field-ECRH interplay and the effect on fast electron dynamics in TCV with LUKE
Ferenc Lengyel Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary No Plasma radiation analysis of AUG SPI experiments
Fiona Wouters TU/e Yes Implementation and validation of the avalanche source for a 3D kinetic model of relativistic electrons
Francesco Vannini Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics No Runaway electron beam termination and wall loads in DEMO
Francisco Javier Artola ITER Organization No No
Gergely Papp Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Yes No
Gergo Pokol BME NTI No Kinetic RE modelling with DREAM in the context of DEMO
Hannes Bergström Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics No Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of runaway electron beam termination events
Ida Ekmark Chalmers University of Technology No Fluid and kinetic modeling of runaway electron seed generation during disruptions
Jakub Svoboda Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Yes No
Jakub Čaloud Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences No RUNAWAY ELECTRON HEAT LOAD MODELLING BY WORKFLOW OF SIMULATION CODES (Carma0NL, PFCFlux, FLUKA, ANSYS)
Jaroslav Čeřovský IPP Prague Yes No
Jayhyun Kim Korea Institute of Fusion Energy Yes No
Joan Decker EPFL No Expulsion of runaway electrons using ECRH in the TCV tokamak
Introduction to the Joint Runaway Electron Modelling and JET SPI Analysis Meeting
John Boguski MIT No Update on the implementation of the SPARC tokamak runaway electron mitigation coil
John Morris UKAEA Yes No
Laura Messfeldt Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching Yes No
Lorenzo Votta KTH Royal Institute of Technology No Experimental and numerical investigation of suprathermal electron dynamics in TCV plasmas
Louis Puel CEA No Benchmarking the JOREK Hot Tail Runaway Electron seed with DREAM
Lovepreet Singh Politecnico di Torino No Runaway Electrons benign termination in JET
Luke Simons EPFL No Modeling and measurements of Runaway Electron Bremsstrahlung radiation on TCV
Marta Pedrini EPFL No No
Mathias Hoppe KTH Royal Institute of Technology No An upper neutral pressure limit for low-Z benign termination of runaway electron beams in TCV
Discussion about EC waves, transport of runaways (including JET SPI task 8) and DREAM modelling
Matteo Baruzzo CNR Yes No
Matthew Beidler Oak Ridge National Laboratory No Spatially dependent simulations of runaway electron mitigation via impurity injection in JET using a 1D impurity diffusion model
Matthias Hoelzl Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany No Runaway Electrons in JOREK: Status and Perspectives
Max Tost EPFL No No
Mengdi Kong EPFL No Study of plasmoid drifts in massive material injection with JOREK
Michael Lehnen ITER Yes No
Nathan Schoonheere CEA No Benign termination of runaway electron beams at JET: Radiated power and bolometry during massive material injections
Ondrej Ficker Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Prague No Comparison of various diagnostic means of RE population properties and RE beam termination
Oshiro Shun Kyoto University Yes No
Oskar Vallhagen Chalmers No Increasing the Physics Fidelity of SPI Simulations With the DREAM Code
Peter Halldestam Max Planck Instiut für Plasmaphysik No Modelling Shattered Pellet Injection in ASDEX Upgrade with DREAM
Plamen Ivanov Oxford University Yes No
Rick Hellinga Eindhoven University of Technology No Assessment of the runaway electron transport in ECRH-induced expulsion experiments
Santosh Pandya Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar-382428, Gandhinagar. Yes No
Scott Silburn UKAEA Yes No
Sergei Gerasimov UKAEA, Culham Campus, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK No No
Soma Olasz Budapest University of Technology and Economics, NTI No Detection of runaway electron radiation at JT-60SA
Stefan Jachmich ITER Organization No No
Tijs Wijkamp Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research No No
Tünde Fülöp Chalmers No No
Umar Sheikh Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) No Multi-Machine Studies of Low-Z Benign Termination of RE Beams
Valerie Izzo Fiat Lux Yes No
Vinodh Bandaru IIT Guwahati Yes No
Vladislav Plyusnin Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instotuto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal Yes No
Weikang Tang Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics Yes No
Yashika Ghai Oak Ridge National Laboratory Yes Modeling interactions between runaway electrons and whistler waves in fusion plasmas
Yeongsun Lee Seoul National University Yes No
Yong Liu ITER Yes No
Yuri Asnis EPFL No Particle balance during benign termination of runaway electron scenarios in TCV tokamak
Yves Savoye-Peysson CEA Yes A unified atomic description for high-Z impurities modelling in tokamak plasmas
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