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Jakub Čaloud (Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences )
E. Tomesova, J. Cerovsky, O. Ficker, J. Gerardin, V. Yanovskiy
SCHEDULED This contribution is scheduled to be presented on Friday 14th 09:50-10:15
Runaway electrons (RE) accelerated during a tokamak discharge to kinetic energy from tens of keV up to tens of MeV can deposit significant heat loads to the plasma-facing components (PFC). These heat loads require a special modeling treatment due to different interactions of energetic particles with the wall material in comparison with thermal plasma particles. Runaway electrons impacting the wall material lose their energy mainly through two processes. A part of their energy is converted to heat by collisions with material nuclei and electrons and the rest is radiated due to bremsstrahlung. The energy is therefore deposited volumetrically in depth of several millimeters to centimeters depending on the material stopping power. In this contribution, we present a workflow for modeling the RE heat loads on tokamak PFC consisting of 4 simulation codes. Firstly, magnetic field equilibrium during a disruption is simulated using Carma0NL [1] code in case of a predictive simulation. In case of an experimental discharge, it is possible to modify the equilibrium reconstruction by electron toroidal canonical momentum. The spatial distribution of RE impact on PFC is solved by field-line tracing code PFCFlux [2]. Its outputs including incidence angle is used by Monte-Carlo code FLUKA [3] to get the 3D profiles of the deposited energy density inside the PFC material. Finally, ANSYS [4] FEM transient thermal analysis is performed to get temperature change in the material. The results of simulations from this workflow will be compared with data from runaway electron experiments at COMPASS with RE calorimetry probe. The probe measured the total energy of the RE impact on the carbon outer wall limiter, while spatial distribution of RE impact was measured by IR camera. Predictive simulations of RE impact on tungsten PFC will be presented on an example of COMPASS Upgrade limiters [5]. References: [1] V. Yanovskiy et al, 2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 096016 [2] M. Firdaouss et al, Journal of Nuclear Materials 438 (2013): S536-S539 [3] G. Battistoni et al, Annals of Nuclear Energy 82 (2015), pp. 10–186 [4] ANSYS® Academic Research Mechanical, Release 21.2. [5] P. Vondracek et al, Fusion Engineering and Design 169 (2021): 112490.
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