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An update on runaway electron mitigation and diagnosis in SPARC Oral
Alex Tinguely (MIT PSFC)
J Boguski, C Clauser, A Feyrer, RS Granetz, E Panontin, V Izzo, AF Battey, C Paz Soldan, R Sweeney
SCHEDULED This contribution is scheduled to be presented on Thursday 13th 14:55-15:20
This talk presents the latest status on runaway electron (RE) mitigation strategies and diagnostic opportunities for the SPARC tokamak, currently under construction in Devens, MA, USA. An update on modeling efforts of the RE Mitigation Coil, primarily using ThinCurr and NIMROD, is presented along with first results from M3D-C1 simulations. An overview of the Massive Gas Injection system is given, and opportunities for “secondary” injection into a formed RE beam are discussed. Different diagnostic capabilities for REs, both in flight and lost to the wall, are investigated, including hard x-ray detection for thick and thin-target bremsstrahlung as well as imaging and spectroscopy for synchrotron radiation. This work supported in part by Commonwealth Fusion Systems.
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