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Runaway Electrons in JOREK: Status and Perspectives Oral
Matthias Hoelzl (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
Eric Nardon, Vinodh Bandaru, Hannes Bergström, Shi-Jie Liu, Chizhou Wang, Louis Puel, Francesco Vannini, Enrico Emanuelli, Fiona Wouters, Laura Messfeldt, Cristian Sommariva, Konsta Särkimäki, Mengdi Kong, Javier Artola, Di Hu, Guido Huijsmans, JOREK Team
SCHEDULED This contribution is scheduled to be presented on Monday 10th 13:30-13:55
The JOREK code offers a hierarchy of runaway electron models for 2D and 3D studies, which are very actively developed and applied to different research questions. As the code also has the capability to capture other disruption relevant aspects like the interaction with conducting structures (i.e., vertical instabilities and forces) and mitigation (shattered pellet injection), it can complement lower dimensional approaches like DREAM in an ideal way. E.g., the RE transport in 3D fields is captured self-consistently. This contribution provides an overview of the different models, applications, ongoing developments and longer-term perspectives. Available RE models include 1) a fluid model self-consistently coupled to the background plasma and equipped with the most relevant RE source terms (but without resolving phase space and drift orbit effects) 2) an extension of the fluid model that can capture certain drift orbit effects under the assumption of a mono-energetic beam 3) a full orbit and gyrokinetic test particle model that allows to trace RE transport and losses in 3D MHD fields 4) a wall collision model for the test particles that allows to predict 3D wall load distributions 5) a virtual synchrotron radiation model allowing for experiment comparisons 6) a full-f relativistic PiC model that couples (gyro)kinetic particles self-consistently to the MHD 7) first source terms for the 3D kinetic RE model. RE related applications range from RE seed loss studies over RE beam formation simulations for vertically unstable plasmas to (benign) RE beam termination investigations.
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