9th Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) meeting Back

May 2nd — May 6th 2022
at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
Registration/abstract submission has closed.
The 9th Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) meeting
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![Runaway Electron Modelling meeting 2022](https://ft.nephy.chalmers.se/files/photos/6273b7b485a30.jpg) Runaway electron generation in plasmas is a phenomenon that is rich in basic physics and has also great practical importance. It is a candidate mechanism for electron acceleration in solar flares, it is frequently observed in electric discharges associated with thunderstorms, and it occurs also in tokamak disruptions, when the plasma current is forced to change too quickly and a large electric field is induced. In tokamaks, runaways may damage plasma facing components due to their highly localized energy deposition. The potential for detrimental effects increases with plasma current. Therefore, understanding the processes that may eliminate runaway beam formation is very important for future reactor-scale tokamaks with high currents, such as ITER. The aim of the meeting is to make progress in the modelling of runaway electron dynamics, with a particular focus to runaways in tokamak disruptions. This is the 9th edition of the Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) workshop and is open for **all interested researchers**. In keeping with REM tradition, a large fraction of each day will be reserved for group discussions and time to work with collaborators. **The meeting takes place at [IPP Garching](https://www.ipp.mpg.de/32581/anfahrt_gar):** - Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching b. M., Germany - Mon-Thu we are in building D2, Fri we share between L5+L6 (see map below) - You will need to show a government issued photo ID to enter IPP - **When you arrive at IPP, tell the security personnel that you are participating in the REM (they have a participant list and will let you in)** - [Meeting location in Openstreetmaps](https://osm.org/go/0JBkp11dO--?m=) - [Site map as an image](https://datashare.mpcdf.mpg.de/s/w9Fi9WmBXRxP9mu) - In case of questions, please [send an e-mail](mailto:rem2022@ipp.mpg.de) or call the secretaries (+49 89 3299 1209). **Note that specific Covid rules apply to the meeting:** 1. Mouth and nose should be covered indoors with **FFP2 masks** and a minimum of 1.5 m distance between participants should be maintained. 2. It is *not* required to present vaccination certificate, proof of recovery, or negative test result to enter the IPP premises. 3. Maintain good hand hygiene and sneezing and coughing etiquette **The agenda is available in PDF format [here](https://ft.nephy.chalmers.se/files/agenda2022.pdf)!** If you experience any technical issues with the conference registration or website, don't hesitate to contact Mathias Hoppe (see contact details below).

Organizing team
Gergely Papp
Matthias Hoelzl
Eric Nardon
Mathias Hoppe
Tünde Fülöp
Everybody is asked to book their hotel rooms individually. There are several options in Garching and München. We have also reserved a contingent of rooms for the meeting: Hotel Marias Inn ★★★ [http://www.marias-inn.de/](http://www.marias-inn.de/) * Address: Neufahrner Str. 5, 85748 Garching, T: +49 (0)89 329 320, info@marias-inn.de * Google Maps [https://g.page/hotel-marias-inn?share](https://g.page/hotel-marias-inn?share) * OpenStreeMaps [https://osm.org/go/0JBkgyYiw?m=&way=47673708](https://osm.org/go/0JBkgyYiw?m=&way=47673708) * Our block reservation is not valid any more. However, if you book late, you can try whether they accept the reservation code "RE Meeting". * 80 Euros/night, single rooms with breakfast * Direct bus connection to IPP, alternatively ~25 minutes walking distance In case of questions [contact the local organizers via e-mail](mailto:rem2022@ipp.mpg.de).
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