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Reconstruction algorithm for the runaway electron energy distribution function of the ITER hard x-ray monitor Oral Remote
Ansh Patel (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
Ansh Patel, Santosh P. Pandya, Alexander E. Shevelev, E. M. Khilkevitch, Margarita Iliasova, Richard O'Connor, Tieulent Raphael, Robin Barnsley, Alexander N. Mokeev
SCHEDULED This contribution is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday 21st 10:30-11:00
Hard X-ray (HXR) spectrometry in ITER can provide information about Runaway Electrons (REs) in tokamak plasmas. Non-trivial reconstruction techniques must be applied to study the Energy distribution of REs in tokamaks since the diagnostic signals are convoluted with the emission of bremsstrahlung radiation from REs reaching the detector and the detector response function. A developed tool, coupled with the PREDICT code, has been described in this report for reconstructing the Runaway Electron energy distribution function (REDF) from HXR spectrum. Bremsstrahlung emission spectra and the detector response function are utilized in a forward modelling process to generate synthetic HXR spectra for different test REDF to which artificial noise is added. These HXR spectra are utilized to reconstruct the REDFs that can provide information about the REs in the plasma. The reconstruction process has been applied to the ITER HXR Monitor configuration for the first time. The effect of reduced optical transmission efficiency is studied on the reconstruction process and the accuracy of the extracted RE parameters. A few realistic REDF shapes have been investigated to test the applicability of the developed reconstruction tool. With sufficient photon counts in the HXR spectrum, it is shown that the reconstructed REDF’s total beam energy is recovered accurately within 10% nonconformity while the maximum RE energy is determined with less than 20% deviation for ITER Hard X-Ray Monitor. The performance of the reconstruction process is also tested for different amount of photon counts to identify the minimum number of photon counts required for optimal reconstruction. Preliminary results of RE-current estimation using the reconstruction process are also presented.
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