Disruption related research with the JOREK code
Matthias Hoelzl (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany)
FJ Artola, VK Bandaru, E Nardon, F Wieschollek, D Hu, D Bonfiglio, C Sommariva, I Krebs, D van Vugt, D Meshcheriakov, GTA Huijsmans, JOREK Team
Using the JOREK non-linear MHD code which was originally focussed on plasma edge instabilities, significant disruption related research has been established in the past years including tearing mode dynamics, impurity dynamics, natural disruptions, mitigated disruptions, RE dynamics, the interaction of REs and MHD activitiy, vertical displacement events, and eddy/halo currents in conducting structures. Many aspects of those phenomena can already be investigated. However many models are being further developed to become more realistic and suitable for predictive simulations.
This presentation aims to provide a brief overview of how JOREK works (numerics), what it can do (models), and what disruption related research is being performed. Present limitations and ongoing developments are mentioned.