The benign termination of a runaway electron (RE) beam has emerged as a central thrust of
disruption research. Experiments at both JET [^1] and DIII-D [^2] have demonstrated that a global
MHD instability is able to expel the vast majority of REs and distribute them over a broad area of
the vessel wall thus avoiding localized damage. While encouraging, important questions remain
with regard to extrapolating this scheme to reactor scale plasmas. Here we seek to address two
critical aspects of this problem. The first seeks to identify an approximate lower bound on the
size of the remnant RE seed that remains confined after the MHD instability. It is found that
in plasmas containing significant amounts of high-Z material such as Neon, strong pitch-angle
scattering leads to a substantial number of magnetically trapped energetic electrons. These trapped
energetic electrons remain well confined in the presence of a stochastic magnetic field, and hence
are lost on a far longer timescale compared to passing REs during a global MHD instability. Once
the flux surfaces reform, this remnant population of electrons can be detrapped and thus provide
a small seed that may be subsequently amplified by the avalanche of REs. The second thrust
utilizes a recently developed fluid-kinetic hybrid framework of RE and bulk plasma dynamics to
assess under what scenarios this remnant trapped electron population is able to lead to a partial
reformation of the RE beam. Critical quantities that emerge from the analysis are the amount of
poloidal magnetic flux present in the system before the global MHD instability is triggered, along
with the efficiency through which the consumption of this poloidal flux amplifies the remnant seed
population. It is found that a partial reformation of the RE beam is possible for plasmas containing
RE plateau currents in excess of two mega Amperes across a range of conditions.
[^1]: Reux et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2021),
[^2]: Paz-Soldan et al. Nucl. Fusion (2021)