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Assessing runaway electron losses due to field stochasticity Oral
Konsta Särkimäki (IPP Garching)
F.J. Artola, T. Fülöp, M. Hoelzl, E. Nardon
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PDF, 2022-05-05 07:04:03
SCHEDULED This contribution is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday 4th 14:30-15:00
While using the ELM control coils to mitigate runaway electron (RE) beam in ITER has been found to be ineffective by itself, uncertainty remains to what extent REs are lost due to MHD instabilities. Orbit-following tools are suitable for studying this issue, although they need to be used in conjunction with MHD codes and kinetic models for accurate assessment of RE beam evolution. Here we present the recent developments made in particle tracing module of the JOREK MHD code (*Sommariva et al., NF 2017*) and show results for computed RE transport in specific JET (*Nardon et al., PPCF 2021*) and ITER (*Artola et al., NF 2022*) disruptions. We also discuss the energy dependence of RE transport (*Särkimäki et al., NF 2020*) and how REs on poloidally trapped orbits are transported (*Särkimäki et al., arXiv:2203.09344*).
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