Name | Affiliation | Remote participation | Is presenting? |
Aaro Järvinen | VTT | No |
Bayesian approach for validation of runaway electron simulations |
Alexander Battey | Columbia University | No |
Passive and Active RE Mitigation Tools Under Development at DIII-D |
Alexandre Fil | CEA | Yes | No |
Andrea Casolari | IPP Prague | No |
Whistler wave destabilization by a runaway electron beam in COMPASS |
Andrej Lier | IPP | No | No |
Arsène Tema Biwole | EPFL | No |
Modelling the Vertical ECE of TCV for Runaway experiments |
Basil Duval | EPFL | No | No |
Chris McDevitt | University of Florida | No |
Phase Space Evolution of a Runaway Electron Population during Rapid Termination Schemes |
Cristian Sommariva | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Swiss Plasma Center | Yes | No |
Cédric Reux | CEA IRFM | Yes | No |
Daniel Refy | EK | No | No |
Eric Nardon | CEA | No |
Massive-material-injection-triggered disruptions: what do we understand? what is still unclear? |
Eva Macusova | Institute of Plasma Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences | No |
Summary of Runaway Electrons activities during the last year of the COMPASS operation |
Ferenc Lengyel | Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary | Yes | No |
Gabriella Pautasso | IPP Garching | No | No |
Gergely Papp | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | No |
General introduction // AUG SPI |
Gergo Pokol | BME NTI | No |
Overview of the Hungarian contribution to runaway electron modelling |
Hassan Moussawi | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany | No | No |
Ida Ekmark | Chalmers University of Technology | No | No |
István Pusztai | Chalmers | Yes | No |
Jakub Čaloud | Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences | No |
Calorimetry probe measurements of runaway electron impact energy on plasma facing components at the COMPASS tokamak |
Jari Varje | Tokamak Energy Ltd | No |
Runaway electrons in the ST40 spherical tokamak |
Jaroslav Čeřovský | IPP Prague | No |
Runaway electron experiments with room temperature solid state pellet injector at the COMPASS tokamak |
Jedrzej Walkowiak | Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, PL-31342 Krakow, Poland | No |
Approximate atomic models for fast computation of suprathermal electron collisions with high-Z impurities in tokamak plasmas |
Joan Decker | EPFL | No |
[WITHDRAWN] Experimental observations and analysis of the pre -disruption runaway electron population in TCV |
Konsta Särkimäki | IPP Garching | No |
Assessing runaway electron losses due to field stochasticity |
Lili Édes | BME NTI | No | No |
Lorenzo Votta | EPFL | Yes | No |
Lovepreet Singh | Politecnico di Torino | No |
Runaway Electrons from the Core to the Edge |
Luke Simons | EPFL | No | No |
Mathias Hoppe | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No |
Self-consistent modelling of runaway electrons during tokamak startup Introduction to DREAM |
Matthias Hoelzl | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany | No | No |
Michael Lehnen | ITER | No |
The physics basis of the ITER Disruption Mitigation System - progress and plans |
Michal Farník | IPP Prague | Yes | No |
Ondrej Ficker | Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Prague | No |
Start-up RE: review of conditions, COMPASS database analysis and initial look at AUG database |
Oskar Vallhagen | Chalmers | No |
Effect of two-stage shattered pellet injection on tokamak disruptions |
Paul Heinrich | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany | No |
Status of the shattered pellet injector at ASDEX Upgrade |
Rosana Aleli Gomez de la Peña | CNEA | No | No |
Sandor Zoletnik | Centre for Energy Reserach | Yes |
Shattered Pellet Injector technology development results from the ITER Disruption Mitigation Test laboratory |
Soma Olasz | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, NTI | No |
Massive Material Injection induced disruptions simulated with the European Transport Simulator |
Tijs Wijkamp | Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research | No |
Runaway electron distribution reconstruction using multispectral synchrotron camera imaging in TCV |
Tobias Peherstorfer | TU Vienna | No |
Comparison of modeled and experimental SPI fragment sprays |
Tünde Fülöp | Chalmers | No |
Introduction and review of runaway activities at Chalmers |
Umar Sheikh | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) | No |
Runaway Electron Studies Within the WPTE Framework |
Vinodh Bandaru | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam | No |
Axisymmetric predictions of vertically unstable ITER disruptions with runaway electrons |
Yeongsun Lee | Seoul National University | No |
Runaway electrons formation modelling of the KSTAR Ohmic start-up with relevant impurities |
Yves Savoye-Peysson | CEA | Yes | No |
Zhiqiang LIN | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | No | No |