Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Cernaianu, M.O.,
Ghenuche, P.,
Rotaru, F.,
Tudor, L.,
Chaluc, O.,
Gheorghiu, C.,
Popescu, D.C.,
Gugiu, M.,
Balascuta, S.,
Magureanu, A.,
Tataru, M.,
Horný, V.,
Corobean, B.,
Dancus, I.,
Alincutei, A.,
Asavei, T.,
Diaconescu, B.,
Dinca, L.,
Dreghici, D.B.,
Ghita, D.G.,
Jalba, C.,
Leca, V.,
Lupu, A.M.,
Nastasa, V.,
Negoita, F.,
Patrascoiu, M.,
Schimbeschi, F.,
Stutman, D.,
Ticos, C.,
Ursescu, D.,
Arefiev, A.,
Tomassini, P.,
Malka, V.,
Doria, S.,
Tanaka, K.A.,
Ur, C.A. &
Doria, D. (2025). Commissioning of the 1 PW experimental area at ELI-NP using a short focal parabolic mirror for proton acceleration, Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 10, 027204. Open access.
- Curcio, A., Berlanga, M. L., Boudjema, N., Chiadroni, E., Cianchi, A., Del Dotto, A., Francescone, D., Galletti, M, Horný, V., Huerta, A., Mostacci, A., Pérez-Hernández, J. A., Petrarca, M., Rodriguez, I., Salgado-López, C., Stocchi, F., Tomassini, P., Vladisavlevici, I., Frias, M. D., Ferrario, M. & Gatti, G. (2025). Measurement of femtosecond incoherent XUV pulses using shot-noise-driven fluctuations in plasma betatron sources, Physical Review E, 111, L013201.
- Horný, V., Bleotu, P. G., Ursescu, D., Malka, V. & Tomassini, P. (2024). Efficient laser wakefield accelerator in pump depletion dominated bubble regime, Physical Review E, 110, 035202. Open access.
- Yao, W., Motoaki, N., Buffechoux, S., Antici, P., Borghesi, M., Ciardi, A., Chen, S. N., d’Humières, E., Gremillet, L., Heathcote, R., Horný, V., McKenna, P., Quinn, M. N., Royle, R., Sarri, G., Sentoku, Y., Schlenvoigt, H.-P., Toncian, T., Tresca, O., Vassura, L., Willi, O. & Fuchs, J. (2024).
Optimizing the laser coupling, matter heating, and particle acceleration from solids by using multiplexed ultraintense lasers,
Matter and Radiation in Extremes, 9, 047202. Open access.
- Horný, V., Chen, S. N., Davoine, X., Gremillet, L. & Fuchs, F. (2024). Quantitative feasibility study of sequential neutron captures using intense lasers, Physical Review C, 109, 025802. Accepted manuscript version availible at, 2304.05981. Featured in Physics and
Physics World.
- Tomassini, P., Horný, V. & Doria, D. (2023). Attosecond pulses from Ionization Injection Wake Field Accelerators, Instruments, 7, 34. Open access
- Horný, V., Chen, S.N., Davoine, X., Lelasseux, V., Gremillet, L. & Fuchs, J. (2022). High-flux neutron generation by laser-accelerated ions
from single- and double-layer targets. Scientific Reports, 12, 19767. Open access.
- Chen, Q., Mašlárová, D., Wang, J., Li, S. X., Horný, V. & Umstadter D. (2022). Transient relativistic plasma grating to tailor high-power laser fields, wakefield plasma waves, and electron injection. Physical Review Letters, 128, 164801.
- Martinez B., Chen, S. N., Bolaños, S., Blanchot N., Boutoux, G., Cayzac, W., Courtois, C., Davoine, X., Duval, A., Horný, V., Lantuejoul, I.,
Le Deroff, L.,
Masson-Laborde, P. E., Sary, G., Vauzour, B., Smets, R., Gremillet, L. & Fuchs J. (2022).
Numerical investigation of spallation neutrons generated from petawatt-scale laser-driven proton beams.
Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 7, 024401. Open access.
- Burdonov, K., Fazzini, A., Lelasseux, V., Albrecht, J., Antici, P., Ayoul, Y., Beluze, A., Cavanna, D., Ceccotti, T., Chabanis, M., Chaleil, A., Chen, S. N., Chen, Z., Consoli, F., Cuciuc, M., Davoine, X., Delaneau, J. P., d'Humières, E., Dubois, J.-L., Evrard, C., Filippov, E., Freneaux, A., Forestier-Colleoni, P., Gremillet, L., Horný, V., Lancia, L., Lecherbourg, L., Lebas, N., Leblanc, A., Ma, W., Martin, L., Negoita, F., Paillard, J.-L., Papadopoulos, D., Perez, F., Pikuz, S., Qi, G., Quéré, F., Ranc, L., Söderstrom, P.-A., Scisciò, M., Sun, S., Vallières, S., Wang, P., Yao, W., Mathieu, F., Audebert, P. & Fuchs, J. (2021). Characterization and performance of the Apollon Short-Focal-Area facility following its commissioning at 1 PW level. Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 6, 064402. Open access. Accepted manuscript version availible at, 2108.01336
- Horný, V. & Veisz, L. (2021). Generation of single attosecond relativistic electron bunch from intense laser interaction with a nanosphere. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63, 125025. Open access.
- Chen, Q., Horný, V., Syed, R. & Umstadter, D. (2021). Traveling-wave Thomson scattering for electron-beam spectroscopy. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 24.3, 032901.
- Ferri, J., Horný, V. & Fülöp, T. (2021).
Generation of attosecond electron bunches and X-ray pulses from few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63, 045019. Open access.
- Horný, V., Krůs, M., Yan, W. & Fülöp, T. (2020). Attosecond betatron radiation pulse train. Scientific Reports 10, 15074. Open access.
- Golovin, G., Horný, V., Yan, W., Fruhling, C., Haden, D., Wang, J., Banerjee, S. & Umstadter, D. (2020). Generation of ultrafast electron bunch trains via trapping into multiple periods of plasma wakefields.
Physics of Plasmas, 27(3), 033105. Accepted manuscript version availible at, 2003.02798.
- Mašlárová, D., Krůs, M., Horný, V. & Pšikal, J. (2019). Laser wakefield accelerator driven by the super-Gaussian laser
beam in the focus.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62(2), 024005.
- Horný, V., Petržílka, V. & Krůs, M. (2019).
Short electron bunches from injection by perpendicularly crossing pulses.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61, 085018.
- Horný, V., Mašlárová, D., Petržílka, V., Klimo, O., Kozlová, M. & Krůs, M. (2018).
Optical injection dynamics in two laser wakefield acceleration configurations.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(6), 064009.
- Boháček, K., Kozlová, M., Nejdl, J., Chaulagain, U., Horný, V., Krůs, M. & Ta Phuoc, K. (2018).
Stable electron beams from laser wakefield acceleration with few-terawatt driver using a supersonic air jet.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 883, 24-28.
- Horný, V., Petržílka, V., Klimo, O. & Krůs, M. (2017).
Short electron bunches generated by perpendicularly crossing laser pulses.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(10), 103125.
- Horný, V., Nejdl, J., Kozlová, M., Krůs, M., Boháček, K., Petržílka, V. & Klimo, O. (2017).
Temporal profile of betatron radiation from laser-driven electron accelerators.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(6), 063107.
- Horný, V. & Klimo, O. (2015).
Hot electron refluxing in the short intense laser pulse interactions with solid targets and its influence on K-α radiation.
Nukleonika, 60(2), 233-237.
Conference Proceedings and other Publications
- Mašlárová, D., Horný, V., Chen, Q., Wang, J., Li, S. & Umstadter, D. (2021).
Generation of a static plasma electron grating.
Proc. SPIE 11779, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions VI, 1177907.
- Horný, V., Klimo, O. & Krůs, M. (2019).
High charge plasma electron bunches from two collinear laser pulses. preprint, 1904.02989.
- Pšikal, J., Horný, V., Žáková, M. & Matys, M. (2019).
Comparison of ion acceleration from nonexpanded and expanded thin foils irradiated by ultrashort petawatt laser pulse.
Proc. SPIE 11037, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions V, 1103708.
- Mašlárová, D., Horný, V., Krůs, M. & Pšikal, J. (2019).
Betatron radiation enhancement by a density up-ramp in the bubble regime of LWFA.
Proc. SPIE 11037, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions V, 1103710.
- Horný, V. & Krůs, M. (2017).
Optical injection into the laser wakefield accelerator by copropagating weaker pulse.
Proceedings of the 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
Belfast, United Kingdom, July 2017, P1.205.
- Horný, V., Petržílka, V., Klimo, O. & Krůs, M. (2017, May).
Short energetic electron bunches from laser wakefield accelerator with orthogonally polarized perpendicularly crossed laser pulses.
Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions IV (Vol. 10240, p. 1024011), International Society for Optics and Photonics.
- Chaulagain, U., Boháček, K., Kozlová, M., Nejdl, J., Krůs, M., Horný, V., Mahieu, K., Ta Phuoc, K. (2017, May).
X-ray phase contrast imaging of biological samples using a
betatron x-ray source generated in a laser wakefield accelerator.
Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions IV (Vol. 10240, p. 1024011), International Society for Optics and Photonics.
- Horný, V., Petržílka, V., Krůs, M. & Klimo, O. (2016).
Electron acceleration in perpendicularly crossed laser beams with following injection in the laser wakefield accelerator.
Proceedings of the 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
Leuven, Belgium, June 2016, P1.078.
- Boháček, K., Kozlová, M., Nejdl, J., Chaulagain, U., Horný, V., Krůs, M. Albrecht, M.
Generation of laser-driven femtosecond electron beams for secondary photon
sources with 7 TW Ti-sapphire laser system at PALS.
Proceedings of the 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
Leuven, Belgium, June 2016, P1.079.
- Nejdl, J., Nefedova, V., Albrecht, M., Horný, V., Kozlová, M., Sebban, S., Gautier, J.,
Ta Phuoc, K., Korn, G.
Laser-driven Short-wavelength Sources at PALS and ELI
Compact EUV & X-ray Light Sources (pp. ET2A-4), Optical Society of