Name | Affiliation | Remote participation | Is presenting? |
Akinobu Matsuyama | Kyoto University | Yes | No |
Alexander Battey | EPFL - Swiss Plasma Center | No | No |
Andres Orduna Martinez | IPP Garching | No |
Yes |
Benedikt Zimmermann | Columbia University | Yes | No |
Björn Zaar | Chalmers University of Technology | No | No |
Carlos Paz-Soldan | Columbia University | Yes | No |
Chizhou Wang | EPFL | No | No |
Eric Nardon | CEA | No | No |
Ewout Devlaminck | EPFL | No | No |
Ferenc Lengyel | HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, Institiute for Atomic Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary | No |
AUG AXUV synthetic diagnostics |
Francisco Javier Artola | ITER Organization | No | No |
Gergely Papp | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | No |
Gergo Pokol | BME NTI | No |
Progress in kinetic modelling for DEMO |
Ida Ekmark | Chalmers University of Technology | No |
Joan Decker | EPFL | No |
intends to submit an abstract |
Jonathan Arnaud | University of Florida | No |
A Novel High-Fidelity Fluid Runaway Electron Model |
Lorenzo Votta | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | No |
Louis Puel | CEA | No |
Kinetic modelling of hot tail runaway electron generation during plasma disruptions using the JOREK code |
Lovepreet Singh | CEA IRFM | No |
Luke Simons | EPFL | No |
Modelling measurements of Runaway Electron losses with the TCV FILD |
Mathias Hoppe | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | No |
Matthias Hoelzl | Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany | No |
Oskar Vallhagen | Chalmers | No |
Asymmetric Neutral Gas and Plasmoid Shielding Model for the Pellet Rocket Force |
Pedro Molina | EPFL-SPC | No |
Fast electron generation during tokamak startup: experiments and simulations in the TCV tokamak |
Tijs Wijkamp | Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research | No |
Tünde Fülöp | Chalmers | No |
Past, present and future of REM |
Umar Sheikh | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) | No | No |
Yong Liu | ITER | No |
Current status of ITER Hard X-Ray Monitor and the challenging of inferring the Runaway Electron parameters |