Plasma theory

Welcome to the website of the plasma theory research group at Chalmers University of Technology. We belong to the Division of Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics of the Department of Physics.


Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and WPTE RT03 Analysis meeting (2025) between June 2nd — June 6th 2025

Upcoming events

Emil, István and Konrad will go to Kiruna between March 25th — 26th. They will participate in the Swedish Space Plasma meeting.

Seminar Tünde will give a seminar with the title "Faster than lightning: electron beams in laboratory plasmas" to Engineering Physics and Engineering Mathematics students at Chalmers, on 27 March 17:15 in the GD seminar room.

Panel discussion Tünde will take part in a conversation about the documentary about John von Neumann [The most brilliant human mind]( on 5 April in the Gothenburg City Library.

Sam Fletcher from Oxford University will visit on April 25th. He will give a seminar with the title: "Science, why?" at 13:15 in the Eva von Bahr seminar room.

Tünde will go to EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland between May 2nd — 4th. She will participate in the Journal of Plasma Physics Editorial Board meeting.

Licentiate Seminar Ida Ekmark is planning to defend her Licentiate thesis on 7 May. Discussion leader will be Håkan Smith from the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald.

Konrad will go to Paris between May 12th — 14th. He will participate in the [MMS workshop](

Frontiers of Plasma Physics Seminar Ida Ekmark has been invited to give a JPP Frontiers of Plasma Physics seminar on 22 May. It takes place via zoom at 5pm (CET).

Tünde will go to Stockholm between May 22nd — 23rd. She will participate in a meeting at KVA.

Björn, Ida, Oskar and Tünde will go to EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland between June 2nd — 6th. They will participate in the 12th Runaway Electron Modelling Meeting.

MSc thesis presentations Lise Hanebring, Nils Müller and Liam Antonsson plan to present their MSc theses on 10 June, 13-16 in the Eva von Bahr seminar room.

Tünde will go to Stockholm between June 11th — 12th. She will participate at meetings at KVA.

Tünde will go to Merton College, Oxford between June 16th — 20th.

Dominika will go to Lund between July 7th — 11th. She will have a presentation at the [10th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology ](

Tünde will go to Oxford between July 17th — 19th. She will give a lecture at the Culham Plasma Physics Summer School.

Tünde will go to Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK between July 17th — 19th. She has been invited to give a lecture on runaway electrons at the Culham Plasma Physics Summer School.

Ida will go to Boston, USA between July 28th — August 8th. She will visit Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT.

Ida will go to Washington DC, USA between August 25th — November 14th. She will work with Matt Landreman at the University of Maryland.

Emil, István, Konrad, Lise and Tünde will go to Stockholm between August 28th — 29th. They will participate in the XFLARE general assembly.

Tünde will go to Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald between September 16th — 19th. She will participate in a meeting with the IPP Fachbeirat.

PhD defense Oskar Vallhagen is planning to defend his PhD thesis on 28 November.

Alfvén prize gathering 2024-04-07
Celebrations for Tünde's and Per's Alfvén prize, with current and former members of the Chalmers Plasma Theory group.
Alfvén prize gathering
Contact details

Department of Physics
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Email: tunde at

Find us: The group's offices are on the top (3rd) floor of the Soliden part of the Physics building. The address is Fysikgården 1. This map shows various routes to find the place.

Copyright © 2025 Chalmers Plasma Theory group