
DREAM supports the inclusion of an arbitrary number of ions species. Since we solve for the density of each ion charge state, each ion contributes \(Z+1\) independent fluid (i.e. radially varying) variables to the equation system. This suggests that a special representation should be used for ions in the code, in order to keep similar density variables close in memory. As a result, DREAM combines all ion species into a single ion density, n_i. To keep track of and work with this ion density, a number of helper classes are introduced, and this section of the documentation describes those.

While the details of the implementation are discussed below, it can be worth just stating what actually constitutes an ion in DREAM. To add a new ion to the simulation, the user must provide three things:

  • The name of the ion species (only used for communicating with the user)

  • The atomic charge \(Z\) of the ion species

  • The radial density profile of every charge state of the ion species

In addition to these, the user will also specify how to evolve the ions during the simulation. DREAM supports three methods for evolving ions in time, namely

  • Prescribed time evolution

  • Coronal equilibrium

  • Dynamic ionization/recombination balance

The first of these requires the user to provide the full spatiotemporal evolution of every charge state of the ion species to the code.

The second and third option represent variations of solving the ion rate equation

\[\begin{split}\frac{\partial n_i^{(j)}}{\partial t} &= \left( I_i^{(j-1)} n_{\rm cold} + \mathcal{I}_i^{(j-1)} \right) n_i^{(j-1)} - \left( I_i^{(j)} n_{\rm cold}+ \mathcal{I}_i^{(j)} \right) n_i^{(j)} +\\ &+ R_i^{(j+1)} n_i^{(j+1)} n_{\rm cold} - R_i^{(j)} n_i^{(j)} n_{\rm cold},\end{split}\]

where \(n_i^{(j)}\) denotes the radial density of charge state \(j\) of ion species i, \(I_i^{(j)}\) is the corresponding ionization rate, \(R_i^{(j)}\) the corresponding radiative recombination rate, and \(\mathcal{I}_i^{(j)}\) the corresponding fast electron impact ionization coefficient. The difference between the “equilibrium” and “dynamic” options above is merely in the transient term on the LHS. In equilibrium mode, the ions are assumed to be in equilibrium, and so the transient term vanishes. In the dynamic mode, on the other hand, transient effects are included.

Memory layout

As mentioned above, all ion species and charge states are stored in a single unknown quantity called n_i. Given \(N\) ion species with atomic charges \(Z_i\in\{ Z_1, Z_2, \ldots, Z_N \}\), defined on a radial grid with \(n_r\) grid points, n_i is stored as a single vector with \(N_{n_i} = n_r\left[ \sum_i (Z_i+1) \right]\) elements. The vector is laid out so that \(n_r\) adjacent elements in memory correspond to the same radial density (i.e. to the same ion charge state).

A more graphical illustration is presented below.









The IonHandler class

Since the unknown quantity n_i is stored in the same way as every any other unknown quantity in DREAM, we cannot directly store information about the layout of the ion densities with that unknown quantity. Instead, an IonHandler object is introduced for that purpose. The IonHandler keeps tracks of ion names, atomic charges, and their order in the n_i solution vector. Via calls to GetIndex(iZ, Z0), we can then translate a set consisting of an ion species index (iZ) and the charge state number (Z0) to an index into the n_i vector containing the actual ion densities. The example below shows how to access the radial density \(n_3^{(5)}\), corresponding to the fifth charge state of the ion with index 3:

const real_t *n_i = eqsys->GetUnknownData(id_n_i);
len_t n35offs     = ionHandler->GetIndex(3, 5);

const real_t *n35 = n_i + n35offs;

Ion equations

Due to the monolithic way in which ion densities are stored, regular equation terms cannot be directly applied to n_i. Instead, a class called IonEquationTerm has been derived to accomodate this need. The IonEquationTerm has all the same methods as the regular EquationTerm, but replaces the SetJacobianBlock(), SetMatrixElements() and SetVectorElements() methods with the more specific SetCSJacobianBlock(), SetCSMatrixElements() and SetCSVectorElements(). The CS in the names of these methods stands for charge state, and hence these methods set the matrix/vector elements for a specified ion species charge state. The regular SetXXX() methods are as usual called by the EquationSystem class when it is time to rebuild the equation system matrix/vector, and these methods in turn iterate over all the ion species charge states to which the equation term applies and calls the SetCSXXX() methods.

In addition to the regular input for the SetXXX() methods, the SetCSXXX() take three additional arguments as input:

  • len_t iIon — the ion species identifier

  • len_t Z0 — the ion charge state number

  • len_t rOffset — the offset in the n_i vector that should be added in order to get the density corresponding to this ion.

When implementing a new ion equation term, it is the SetCSXXX() methods which should be overridden, instead of the usual SetXXX() methods for the regular EquationTerm. Apart from this, the same rules apply to any IonEquationTerm as for the regular EquationTerm, i.e. you will need to also override the Rebuild() and GetNumberOfNonZerosPerRow() methods.