The Equation System

Much of the DREAM computational kernel is centred around the EquationSystem class, implemented files under src/EquationSystem/, as well as the header file include/DREAM/EquationSystem.hpp. The purpose of the equation system is to keep track of the unknowns of the equation system that DREAM solves, both the equations defined for different unknowns as well as their solution vectors. As such, the EquationSystem is one of the most central pieces of DREAM, and the object from which most operations originate.

The EquationSystem object has a number of tasks:

  • Keep track of the unknowns of the equation system and their equations.

  • Rebuild the linear operator matrix/function vector and jacobian for the equation system.

  • Save solution/ion/grid data at the end of a simulation.


The following illustrates how an EquationSystem object is used in DREAM:

  1. Construct an EquationSystem object. The constructor for the EquationSystem takes only the three DREAM grids as input (the fluid grid, the hot-tail grid and the runaway grid), as well as the types of the momentum grids (\(p/\xi\) or \(p_\parallel/p_\perp\)).

  2. Populate the equation system.

  • Define unknowns through calls to SetUnknown(string name, Grid *grid).

  • Define time stepper.

  1. Construct and define equations for the various unknowns defined in step 2. This is done by successive calls to SetEquation().

  2. Call ProcessSystem() on the EquationSystem object – this primarily checks which of the unknowns are trivial (and therefore don’t need to appear in the equation system; see note below) and which are not.

  3. Construct the equation system Solver() object to use for inverting the system.


Trivial unknown is a term used in DREAM to refer to unknowns which do not appear in the matrix representation of the equation system. The prime example of such an unknown is any prescribed parameter. Since the full evolution of the parameter is known ahead of time, no equation needs to solved for the unknown, allowing us to keep it out of the equation system matrix.

The opposite of a trivial unknown is a non-trivial unknown, and is defined as an unknown quantity which must appear in the matrix representation of the equation system.


Initialization of the equation system is handled by the static class SimulationGenerator (see Settings), which creates the EquationSystem to use during the simulation, constructs the unknown quantities and defines their equations.

Since DREAM solves an initial value problem, all unknown quantities must also be assigned an initial value before beginning the time stepping. Due to the complicated structure of the DREAM system of equations, where unknown quantities often depend directly and indirectly on the values of other unknown quantities, the calculation of unknown quantity initial values is handled by a separate helper class called EqsysInitializer. The EqsysInitializer is accessible from the EquationSystem as a public property EquationSystem::initializer.

The EqsysInitializer keeps a list of initialization rules which are run after the EquationSystem has been completely constructed, but before the time stepping begins. Each initialization rule specifies how to initialize the quantity, as well as which quantities must have been initialized before trying to set the initial value of the unknown quantity to which the rule applies. The EqsysInitializer will then calculate an initialization order of the equation system and execute each initialization rule in order.

DREAM currently allows for two different kinds of initialization:


This method initializes the unknown quantity by simply evaluating the equation governing the evolution of the unknown quantity. This requires that the equation for the unknown is of the form

\[f(x;y) + g(y) = 0,\]

where \(x\) denotes the unknown quantity, \(y\) is any other unknown quantity (or set of other unknown quantities), \(f(x;y)\) is an invertible function of at least \(x\), but potentially also other unknown quantities, and \(g(y)\) is an arbitrary function of \(y\) (and importantly NOT of \(x\)). An initialization rule of this type will then initialize \(x\) by inverting the equation:

\[x = f^{-1}(-g(y)),\]

where \(f^{-1}(z)\) denotes the inverse of f(x;y) with respect to \(x\).


This method allows the programmer to specify an arbitrary C++ function which will be used to initialize the unknown quantity. The function takes an UnknownQuantityHandler as input, as well as a pointer to the value of the unknown quantity.



The initialization method STEADY_STATE_SOLVE is not yet supported and will lead to a fatal error.

In the future, this method will allow an unknown quantity to be initialized by solving the (potentially non-linear) equation governing the evolution of the quantity, but with any transient term set to zero.