
The time stepper module is responsible for advancing the system in time. Three different time steppers are available, namely a fixed length stepper, a simple error estimating adaptive stepper, and an adaptive stepper which estimates and rescales the time step based on the current ionization time.

Constant step length

The constant time stepper advances the system in time at a fixed rate \(\Delta t\) set by the user. The user always needs to specify the maximum simulation time, \(t_{\rm max}\), but can choose to either specify the step length \(\Delta t\) or the number of steps to take, \(N_t\). The options are set using the following code in the Python interface:

ds = DREAMSettings()

# or, alternatively...

Reducing number of saved steps

By default, every time step taken is saved to the output file. For long simulations with fine time resolution this may however require a significant amount of memory and disk space. To reduce the amount of space needed, the constant time stepper can instructed to only store a certain number of time steps in the final output file. This is achieved using the setNumberOfSaveSteps() method as follows:

ds = DREAMSettings()

This will cause the DREAM output file to only contain every 6th time step taken by the solver. Note that the solutions are unaffected by this downsampling—the finer time resolution is still used for evolving the system in time—and the only effect is that the output file contains fewer of the time steps actually taken.

Error-based adaptive step length

A simple adaptive time stepper has been implemented for DREAM. Since DREAM uses an Euler backward method for time stepping, the adaptive scheme uses basic two-point time step refinement to estimate the current error in the solution. The scheme consists of the following steps:

  1. Evaluate the solution \(\boldsymbol{x}(t+\Delta t)\) from \(\boldsymbol{x}(t)\)

  2. Evaluate the solution \(\boldsymbol{x}(t+\Delta t/2)\) from \(\boldsymbol{x}(t)\), and then the solution \(\boldsymbol{x}(t+\Delta t)\) from \(\boldsymbol{x}(t+\Delta t/2)\).

  3. Estimate the error in each unknown quantity from the difference between the two solutions for \(t+\Delta t\) obtained in steps 1 and 2.

  4. If the errors in all monitored unknown quantities are acceptably low, the solution is accepted and the optimal time step length for the next step is estimated. If the error in one or more of the monitored quantities is too large, however, a new optimal time step is estimated based on the error and the scheme is repeated for the same time \(t\) from step 1 above.


The adaptive time stepper is currently considered too unstable to be used in simulations.


Provide more details about the adaptive time stepper scheme.

Ionization-based adaptive step length

Instabilities in DREAM primarily arise when the non-linear system of equations is evolved with too large time steps, so that the initial guess of Newton’s method (which is that the solution is the same as in the previous time step) is too far from the true solution. These instabilities are therefore caused by physical processes which cause significant variation on time scales shorter than the resolved time scale.

One of the shortest time scales usually encountered in DREAM is that of the ionization of neutral and partially ionized atoms. As greater fractions of the plasma becomes ionized, however, the ionization time scale increases by several orders of magnitude. Therefore, if a simulation is started with a time step that respects the early ionization time scale, it is likely that after a while, the time step is much smaller than necessary, causing the simulation to take unnecessarily long time.

With the ionization-based adaptive time stepper, we continuously update the time step length \(\Delta t\) as the ionization time scale evolves, by estimating the current ionization time scale from the variation in the cold electron density:

\[\frac{1}{\tau_{\rm ioniz}} \approx \frac{1}{n_{\rm cold}^{(k-1)}}\frac{n_{\rm cold}^{(k)}-n_{\rm cold}^{(k-1)}}{\Delta t}\]

The user then provides the initial time step \(\Delta t_0\) at \(t=0\), after which the time stepper automatically rescales the time step throughout the simulation. A maximum time step can also be selected, since eventually other physical time scales will be shorter than the ionization time scale, making a constant time step suitable.

The time stepper can be instructed to automatically determine the first time step. This is achieved by taking a first very short time step, after which the ionization time scale can be estimated. Since the required time step length will depend also on the numerics (e.g. a kinetic simulation could require higher time resolution than a fluid simulation, since the ionization could induces “greater” variations in the distribution function), a safety factor can be used to adjust how the initial time step is determined.


To use the ionization-based adaptive time stepper, one should call the setIonization() method on the time stepper object. If the user manually specifies the initial time step length, the method takes the following arguments:




Initial time step.


Maximum time step allowed.


Final time of simulation.

If the time stepper should automatically determine the initial time step, the method takes the following arguments (should be given as keyword arguments):


Default value




Time step used first to estimate the initial ionization time scale.



Maximum time step allowed.



Factor giving the relation between the ionization time scale and initial time step. dt = dt0 / safetyfactor, where dt0 is the estimated time step.


Final time of simulation.

Final time of simulation.

In situations where material is added to the plasma at \(t\neq0\), which usually is the case in simulations with SPI or MGI where the gas is injected from the edge, this approach of rescaling the timesteps based on the initial ionization timescale can lead to extremely short timesteps as the electron density is suddenly increased. Instead, one could choose to update timesteps according to:

\[\Delta t = {\rm min}(\Delta t_{\rm max}, \alpha \tau_{\rm ioniz}),\]

where \(\alpha\) is factor between 0 and 1 provided by the user. If the the time stepper should update the timesteps according to this method, the method takes the following arguments:




Initial time step.


Maximum time step allowed.


Ionization timescale factor.


Final time of simulation.

Limit number of saved steps

The number of time steps which are saved to the output file can also be limited with the ionization-based adaptive time stepper. However, since the total number of time steps taken is not known until the simulation is completed, the limit is based on a minimum requested time resolution instead of a maximum number of saved steps. The user thus specifies the minimum time duration \(\Delta t_{\mathrm{save}}\) between two saved time steps. This is done using the setMinSaveTimestep() function:

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(dt0=1e-10, dtmax=1e-5, tmax=0.003)


To manually specify the initial time step, the following call can be made:

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(dt0=1e-10, dtmax=1e-5, tmax=0.003)

Alternatively, tmax can be set separately:

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(dt0=1e-10, dtmax=1e-5)

If the time stepper should automatically determine the initial time step, the following call can be made:

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(dtmax=1e-5, tmax=0.003)

Alternatively, if you want to explicitly set the time step used to determine the ionization time scale, or if you want to change the safety factor used to relate the ionization time scale to the initial time step, you can make the call:

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(automaticstep=1e-12, safetyfactor=50, dtmax=1e-5, tmax=0.003)

To make the time step directly proportional to the estimated ionization time scale, just provide an additional scaling factor alpha (between 0 and 1):

ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.timestep.setIonization(dt0=1e-10, dtmax=1e-5, tmax=0.003, alpha=1e-2)


Appropriate values to use for the scaling factor alpha may vary from simulation to simulation. We have found that fluid SPI simulations typically work well with alpha \(\leq 10^{-2}\).

Class documentation

class DREAM.Settings.TimeStepper.TimeStepper(ttype=1, checkevery=0, tmax=None, dt=None, nt=None, nSaveSteps=0, reltol=0.01, verbose=False, constantstep=False, terminatefunc=None)

Bases: object

__init__(ttype=1, checkevery=0, tmax=None, dt=None, nt=None, nSaveSteps=0, reltol=0.01, verbose=False, constantstep=False, terminatefunc=None)



Load settings from the given dictionary.

set(ttype=1, checkevery=0, tmax=None, dt=None, nt=None, nSaveSteps=0, reltol=0.01, verbose=False, constantstep=False, minsavedt=0, terminatefunc=None)

Set properties of the time stepper.

setIonization(dt0=0, dtmax=0, tmax=None, automaticstep=1e-12, safetyfactor=50, alpha=0)

Select and set parameters for the ionization time stepper.


For the adapative ionization-based time stepper, sets the minimum time which must elapse between two saved time steps.


Sets the number of time steps to save to the output file. This number must be <= Nt. If 0, all time steps are saved.


Sets the Python function to call in order to determine when terminate the time stepping. NOTE: This functionality is only available when DREAM is compiled and run as a Python library.


func – Python function determining when to terminate time stepping. Takes a libdreampyface ‘Simulation’ object as input and returns a bool.

setType(ttype, *args, **kwargs)

Returns a Python dictionary containing all settings of this TimeStepper object.


Verify that the TimeStepper settings are consistent.