While evolving the main unknown quantities of the equation system, DREAM also calculates a number of help quantities such as collision frequencies, Coulomb logarithms, runaway rates etc., which we refer to as “other quantities” (since they are not unknowns). In contrast to most unknowns, these quantities can be directly evaluated, assuming that the unknowns have been calculated. Since these quantities are often useful when analyzing simulation output, DREAM provides options for storing them as well during the calculation.
Due to the large number of quantities available, some of which may occupy significant amounts of memory, the user must select before the simulation which quantities to save to the output and which to discard. By default, no other quantities are stored.
To store a set of other quantities during a DREAM simulation, you must specify the names of the quantities to store when setting up the simulation:
ds = DREAMSettings()
ds.other.include('fluid/Eceff', 'fluid/Ecfree', 'fluid/Ectot', 'fluid/EDreic')
A list of available quantities can be found further down on this page.
The reason that we require the user to specify the name of the other
quantities desired is to reduce the memory consumption during simulations.
In particular the kinetic quantities (hottail/...
and runaway/...
can occupy a significant amount of memory during long simulations.
Name |
Description |
expensive/Tcold_radiationFromNuS |
Radiated power density predicted by the Hesslow screened nuS model [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/conductivity |
Electric conductivity in SI, Sauter formula (based on Braams) |
fluid/Eceff |
Effective critical electric field [V/m] |
fluid/Ecfree |
Connor-Hastie threshold field (calculated with n=n_free) [V/m] |
fluid/Ectot |
Connor-Hastie threshold field (calculated with n=n_tot) [V/m] |
fluid/EDreic |
Dreicer electric field [V/m] |
fluid/f_hot_ripple_pmn |
Magnetic ripple resonant momentum for f_hot [mc] |
fluid/f_re_ripple_pmn |
Magnetic ripple resonant momentum for f_re [mc] |
fluid/GammaAva |
Avalanche growth rate [s^-1] |
fluid/gammaCompton |
Compton runaway rate to n_re [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaCompton |
Compton runaway rate [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaDreicer |
Dreicer runaway rate [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaFhot |
Electron flux from f_hot to n_re [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaFhot |
Electron flux from f_hot to f_re [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaHottail |
Hottail runaway rate [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaLCFSLoss |
LCFS runaway loss rate (weights * n_re) [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaTritium |
Tritium runaway rate to n_re [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/gammaTritium |
Tritium runaway rate [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Lambda_hypres |
Hyper-resistive diffusion coefficient Lambda [H] |
fluid/lnLambdaC |
Coulomb logarithm (relativistic) |
fluid/lnLambdaT |
Coulomb logarithm (thermal) |
fluid/ni_negIonization |
Negative ionization term in ion rate equation |
fluid/ni_negRecombination |
Negative recombination term in ion rate equation |
fluid/ni_posIonization |
Positive ionization term in ion rate equation |
fluid/ni_posRecombination |
Positive recombination term in ion rate equation |
fluid/nusnuDatPStar |
Slowing-down times deflection frequency for electrons, evaluated at pStar |
fluid/pCrit |
Critical momentum for avalanche, compton and tritium (in units of mc) |
fluid/pCritHottail |
Critical momentum for hottail (in units of mc) |
fluid/pStar |
Effective critical momentum in Hesslow theory |
fluid/qR0 |
Safety factor multiplied by major radius R0 [m] |
fluid/reioniz_vsigma |
Approximated runaway impact ionization cross-section multiplied by the electron speed [m^-1 s^-1] |
fluid/ripple_m |
Magnetic ripple poloidal mode number |
fluid/ripple_m |
Magnetic ripple poloidal mode number |
fluid/ripple_n |
Magnetic ripple toroidal mode number |
fluid/ripple_n |
Magnetic ripple toroidal mode number |
fluid/runawayRate |
Total runaway rate, dn_RE / dt [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/svensson_A |
Advection coefficient used in Svensson n_re transport. |
fluid/svensson_A |
Advection coefficient used in Svensson n_re transport. |
fluid/svensson_D |
Advection coefficient used in Svensson n_re transport. |
fluid/svensson_transport |
Transported runaway density [s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/tauEERel |
Relativistic electron collision time (4*pi*lnL*n_cold*r^2*c)^-1 [s] |
fluid/tauEETh |
Thermal electron collision time (tauEERel * [2T/mc^2]^1.5) [s] |
fluid/Tcold_binding_energy |
Rate of change in potential energy due to ionisation/recombination [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_fhot_coll |
Collisional heating power density by f_hot [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_fre_coll |
Collisional heating power density by f_re [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_halo |
Power density escaping through the halo region [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_ion_coll |
Collisional heating power density by ions [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_nre_coll |
Collisional heating power density by n_re [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_ohmic |
Ohmic heating power density [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_radiation |
Radiated power density [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/Tcold_transport |
Transported power density [J s^-1 m^-3] |
fluid/W_hot |
Energy density in f_hot [J m^-3] |
fluid/W_re |
Energy density in f_re [J m^-3] |
fluid/Wcold_Tcold_Ar |
Net radial heat advection [m/s] |
fluid/Wcold_Tcold_Drr |
Net radial heat diffusion [m/s] |
fluid/Zeff |
Effective charge |
hottail/Ap1 |
Net first momentum advection on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Ap2 |
Net second momentum advection on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Ar |
Net radial advection on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/bremsstrahlung_f1 |
Advection due to bremsstrahlung radiation |
hottail/Dpp |
Net momentum-momentum diffusion on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Dpx |
Net momentum-pitch diffusion on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Drr |
Net radial diffusion on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Dxp |
Net pitch-momentum diffusion on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/Dxx |
Net pitch-pitch diffusion on hot electron grid [m/s] |
hottail/kinioniz_vsigma |
Kinetic ionization cross-section multiplied by the electron speed [m^-1 s^-1] |
hottail/lnLambda_ee_f1 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-e collisions (on p1 flux grid) |
hottail/lnLambda_ee_f2 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-e collisions (on p2 flux grid) |
hottail/lnLambda_ei_f1 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-i collisions (on p1 flux grid) |
hottail/lnLambda_ei_f2 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-i collisions (on p2 flux grid) |
hottail/nu_D_f1 |
Pitch-angle scattering frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/nu_D_f2 |
Pitch-angle scattering frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/nu_par_f1 |
Energy scattering frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/nu_par_f2 |
Energy scattering frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/nu_s_f1 |
Slowing down frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/nu_s_f2 |
Slowing down frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
hottail/S_ava |
Rosenbluth-Putvinski avalanche source term |
hottail/S_compton |
Compton scattering source term [s^-1 m^-3] |
hottail/S_tritium |
Tritium decay source term [s^-1 m^-3] |
hottail/synchrotron_f1 |
Advection due to Synchrotron radiation |
hottail/synchrotron_f2 |
Advection due to Synchrotron radiation |
hottail/timevaryingb_Ap2 |
Pitch angle advection due to time-varying B |
runaway/Ap1 |
Net first momentum advection on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Ap2 |
Net second momentum advection on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Ar |
Net radial advection on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/bremsstrahlung_f1 |
Advection due to bremsstrahlung radiation |
runaway/Dpp |
Net momentum-momentum diffusion on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Dpx |
Net momentum-pitch diffusion on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Drr |
Net radial diffusion on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Dxp |
Net pitch-momentum diffusion on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/Dxx |
Net pitch-pitch diffusion on runaway electron grid [m/s] |
runaway/kinioniz_vsigma |
Kinetic ionization cross-section multiplied by the electron speed [m^-1 s^-1] |
runaway/lnLambda_ee_f1 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-e collisions (on p1 flux grid) |
runaway/lnLambda_ee_f2 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-e collisions (on p2 flux grid) |
runaway/lnLambda_ei_f1 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-i collisions (on p1 flux grid) |
runaway/lnLambda_ei_f2 |
Coulomb logarithm for e-i collisions (on p2 flux grid) |
runaway/nu_D_f1 |
Pitch-angle scattering frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/nu_D_f2 |
Pitch-angle scattering frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/nu_par_f1 |
Energy scattering frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/nu_par_f2 |
Energy scattering frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/nu_s_f1 |
Slowing down frequency (on p1 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/nu_s_f2 |
Slowing down frequency (on p2 flux grid) [s^-1] |
runaway/S_ava |
Rosenbluth-Putvinski avalanche source term |
runaway/S_compton |
Compton scattering source term [s^-1 m^-3] |
runaway/S_tritium |
Tritium decay source term [s^-1 m^-3] |
runaway/synchrotron_f1 |
Advection due to synchrotron radiation |
runaway/synchrotron_f2 |
Advection due to synchrotron radiation |
runaway/timevaryingb_Ap2 |
Pitch angle advection due to time-varying B |
scalar/ablationDrift |
Total distance the deposited material gets shifted |
scalar/E_mag |
Total energy contained in the poloidal magnetic field within the vessel, normalized to R0 [J/m] |
scalar/energyloss_f_hot |
Rate of energy loss through plasma edge from f_hot transport, normalized to R0 [J s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/energyloss_f_re |
Rate of energy loss through plasma edge from f_re transport, normalized to R0 [J s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/energyloss_T_cold |
Rate of energy loss through plasma edge from T_cold transport, normalized to R0 [J s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/L_i |
Internal inductance for poloidal magnetic energy normalized to R0 [J/A^2 m] |
scalar/l_i |
Normalized internal inductance for poloidal magnetic energy (2Li/mu0R0) |
scalar/L_i_flux |
Internal inductance for poloidal flux psi_p, normalized to R0 [J/A^2 m] |
scalar/radialloss_f_hot |
Rate of particle number loss through plasma edge from f_hot transport, normalized to R0 [s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/radialloss_f_re |
Rate of particle number loss through plasma edge from f_re transport, normalized to R0 [s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/radialloss_n_re |
Rate of runaway number loss through plasma edge, normalized to R0 [s^-1 m^-1] |
scalar/Ypdot |
Rate at which the shards’ radius decrease |
Instead of specifying the name of each quantity separately to the
method other.include()
, it is also possible to specify the name of group
of quantities. The predefined groups are listed below.
Name |
Included quantities |
ripple |
fluid/f_hot_ripple_pmn fluid/f_re_ripple_pmn fluid/ripple_m fluid/ripple_n |
transport |
scalar/energyloss_f_hot scalar/energyloss_f_re scalar/energyloss_T_cold scalar/radialloss_f_hot scalar/radialloss_f_re scalar/radialloss_n_re |
nu_s |
hottail/nu_s_f1 hottail/nu_s_f2 runaway/nu_s_f1 runaway/nu_s_f2 |
nu_D |
hottail/nu_D_f1 hottail/nu_D_f2 runaway/nu_D_f1 runaway/nu_D_f2 |
nu_par |
hottail/nu_par_f1 hottail/nu_par_f2 runaway/nu_par_f1 runaway/nu_par_f2 |
lnLambda |
hottail/lnLambda_ee_f1 hottail/lnLambda_ee_f2 hottail/lnLambda_ei_f1 hottail/lnLambda_ei_f2 runaway/lnLambda_ee_f1 runaway/lnLambda_ee_f2 runaway/lnLambda_ei_f1 runaway/lnLambda_ei_f2 |
energy |
fluid/Tcold_fhot_coll fluid/Tcold_fre_coll fluid/Tcold_ion_coll fluid/Tcold_ohmic fluid/Tcold_radiation fluid/Tcold_transport fluid/W_hot fluid/W_re scalar/E_mag scalar/energyloss_f_hot scalar/energyloss_f_re scalar/energyloss_T_cold scalar/L_i scalar/l_i |
The other quantities use almost exactly the same time grid as regular unknowns,
with the only difference that other quantities are not defined for \(t=0\).
This is due to the fact that many quantities are only/can only be calculated
while taking/after the first time step. Consequently, you should remove the
first time point in grid.t
whenever plotting or working with other